Complement Solar with Optimised Energy Storage

Webinar Replay

Complement Solar with Optimised Energy Storage​​​​​​​

With Solar + Storage becoming a growing trend, energy storage converters must consider the requirements of solar.

For AC-coupled systems, a bidirectional AC/DC converter is required. SEMIKRON offers a portfolio of power modules with topologies, which increase efficiency while both charging and discharging the batteries.

We will also discuss DC/DC topologies for DC-coupled systems, which can pair with 3-Level solar inverters. In order to meet 1500VDC designs, SEMIKRON now offers the latest 950V Generation 7 IGBTs with optimised designs for improved performance.

Lastly, we will discuss implementing Silicon Carbide in an intelligent way to improve efficiency and power density while keeping costs to a minimum.

Key Take-Aways

  • Which topologies are advantageous for AC- and DC-coupled systems?
  • How are the latest Generation 7 IGBTs optimized for storage designs?
  • How is Silicon Carbide integrated to balance cost and performance?​​​​​​​

The Webinar

Webinar Info


Emiliano Meza
Product Marketing Manager


approx. 35 Minutes


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